Thursday 14 June 2007

Prep for Trip cont.

Well now just over 3 weeks to go.

All a bit frazzled what with the run up to the end of term and David and Morags wedding! However all seems to be in place except for Kamloops! Problem see
ms to be that the campsite we are trying to get, is not so up in the old Interweb thang! May have to phone them to be sure we have a place to hitch the wagon . This is particularly important as we will be getting to Kamloops after a spell in the wilds and it is the most civilisation we will see before heading off to the Big Bar Ranch.

Been getting sorted out for Canadian Dollars. The exchange rate does seem to fluctuate a bit but I think we will just work it as 2 Canadian dollars to 1 UK pound...makes the maths easy for all!

Continuing to experiment and get to grips with new gear. been out and about in West End so have added a few samples to this post. Developing a range of panoramic images so I think these will be added to the collection.